
It was
1974 on North Carolina's Outer Banks. September was rapidly
approaching and the summer would soon be over. Mike McAdam and
Jimmy Morgan knew their cush gig as The Wrong Brothers (yes,
Orville & Wilbur) would soon be drying up. In those days
most of the resort towns along the East Coast became ghost towns
on the Tuesday after Labor Day. McAdam and Morgan figured that
if they didn't come up with an alternate plan they would soon be
knee deep in freezing mud on some construction site in Richmond.
Having been pals
since kindergarten and bandmates since Junior High School (The
Emotions and Brelo Magruder), they thought they might try the
band thing once again. Besides, back in Richmond all of the
musicians seemed to be playing in Top-40 funk bands, glamour
rock acts, or wannabe jazz bands. Just maybe there was a niche
for the more roots-oriented rock ‘n’ roll that seemed to
come so naturally to Jimmy and Mike.
They moved back
to Richmond
and enlisted the help of longtime musician friends
Mark Corvino and Bill Gerloff (a.k.a. Manny Green) on drums and
bass, as well as Pittsburgh native Jack Irwin on piano. Together
they shared a mutual affinity for '50s and '60s music, funny
stories, and cold beer. They began rehearsing and hanging out in
McAdam’s grandfather's basement. The only name they could find
that was dumber than The Wrong Brothers was The Good Humor Band
and it stuck.
The first gig was
at a local watering hole, The Hitchin' Post, just blocks from
their rehearsal spot. Soon to follow was a regular gig in
Richmond's Fan District at The Back Door, a bar now legendary
for early Springsteen performances as well as a number of bullet
holes in the ceiling. One night, as the story goes, the police
shut the doors so nobody could leave, led a guy in with a scarf
over his face and a motorcycle helmet on to disguise his
identity, then proceeded to arrest every person their helmeted
friend pointed out, hauling them away on drug charges. Or worse.
Through 1975 the
band started earning a reputation
in the regional college towns,
playing some of the seedier bars along the Virginia/North
Carolina coast. When in Richmond they had a regular gig at a new
music club called The Pass. The club was located next to
Virginia Commonwealth University, where some of the band members
had enjoyed their brief college careers. McAdam, Morgan, and
Corvino were still the core of the band, but by early '76
Gerloff and Irwin had left the band. That year saw the arrival
and departure of Craig Roberson, Herbie Atkinson, Barry
"Mad Dog" Gottlieb, and McAdam's cousin, Johnny
By the spring of
'76 McAdam had become a business partner in The Pass, which
essentially meant the band had a "free place to drink and
rehearse." Bruce Bouton had come on board with his pedal
steel, bringing with him Tony Jordan, who remained the band's
soundman for most of the next six years. Drake Leonard had been
coaxed out of college in North Carolina to bring his bass up to
Richmond (reading, writing, and the road to ...). Everyone was
living close by in the Fan District and spending most evenings,
when not gigging, around the bar at The Pass.
An old
acquaintance, Gregg Wetzel, had recently returned to town
a two-year Top-40 stint in Florida to join Robbin Thompson's
band. (Robbin had been in Springsteen's band but now had his own
record deal.) Wetzel had been spending most nights around the
bar with the "Humorhoids" at The Pass. When Robbin
lost his tour support, Gregg was moaning at the bar about being
unemployed again. Eventually everyone wound up on the second
floor stage in an all-night jam session. They tried to stump one
another with rock 'n’ roll oldies, R&B classics, and Merle
Haggard country standards. It seemed like they all had been
“brainwashed" by the same eclectic record collection
since childhood.
then? >>>>